Leadership mindset

In Times of Change and Chaos

In our rapidly evolving world, organizations are frequently faced with unprecedented change and challenges. Amidst this backdrop, leaders who are adept, agile, and resilient stand out, guiding their teams with a steady hand and a forward-looking vision. Enter the “Leadership Mindset in Times of Change and Chaos” workshop, an immersive experience designed to equip leaders with the mindset and tools necessary to navigate these tumultuous terrains.

Your facilitator, Tomas Lydahl, is uniquely positioned to guide this transformative journey. As the former CEO of Sweden’s second-best company and Europe’s third-best in terms of job satisfaction, Tomas has walked the walk. Under his exceptional leadership, he fostered environments where employee happiness wasn’t just a perk—it was a strategic advantage.

Through this workshop, participants will:

  • Delve deep into the mindset shifts essential for leadership in uncertain times.
  • Gain actionable insights from Tomas’s own experiences at the helm of Europe’s top-ranking company.
  • Learn strategies to foster resilience, adaptability, and innovation within their teams.

Hire Tomas and redefine what leadership means in the age of change and chaos. With his insights and expertise, your leadership journey is poised for unparalleled success.

“Do not be swayed by the whispers of doubt; true leadership listens to the heart, not the hesitations of the mind”


Of all the speakers I’ve encountered, Tomas stands out as the absolute best.

Patrick Wiberg, Merchant, ICA Maxi